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With no chance for success, you would not hunt. Without the prospect of failure hunting would have no merit. I don't hunt to kill, I kill because I hunt. Remember a moderate hit is lots more effective than a high powered miss. Best of luck.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Am I Saving Ammo -- Really?

 No posting going on for lonesome me.  

The chizzler crop was a bust again this year.  I think I harvested about 200 chizzlers total in several trips to Iron County, Utah.  A few years ago I could harvest half that many an hour during the peak of shooting times.  My 9 year old grandson came to visit from Texas so Bounty Hunter 6 and I took him to shoot chizzlers one day.  He couldn't see them at first,they are cammoed little vermin. Then he couldn't hit them, they are quick moving little rascals.  After about an hour mounted on the squirrel-o-matic in the back of a pickup truck he started to mow them down whenever they came to the surface.  I just laughed and laughed as he turned into a natural born chizzler reaper.  We were shooting .22LR but he could still flip them up in the air on the shot.  He called last Sunday and asked if I had been shooting of late.  What a nice kid!

I drew no tags for bear, pronghorn, deer, or elk.  I stood in line to buy a spike elk tag and got lucky.  I have a tag; and therefore a hunt to look forward to.  5 days in the Book Cliffs with both of my sons is a good hunt even if we only see female sasquaches.  

Sasquatch symposium to promote cultural exchange | Peninsula Daily News

I have been thinking about going to Namibia in March 2022.  I wonder if the Covid Plague will allow it?  I could use some fun days in the veld watching for oryx, springbok, red hartebeest, warthogs, and baboons.

I have been reloading ammo all summer.  It is so dang hot in my area I just go into the basement and reload rounds I will never live long enough to shoot.  Oh well, it is better than hanging out at the pool hall or gambling in Mesquite, NV.  Who knows maybe the Liberals in Congress and the White House will stop the ammo supply and I will be "PREPARED" for Armageddon?

I hope to have a photo to post of a spike elk taken by me or my son in mid-October.  At least one animal for the freezer ? ? ?  {I truly like elk meat.  I don't buy beef at all, just elk for me}

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