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With no chance for success, you would not hunt. Without the prospect of failure hunting would have no merit. I don't hunt to kill, I kill because I hunt. Remember a moderate hit is lots more effective than a high powered miss. Best of luck.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I tip-toed into Tonapah and found a secret entrance to area 51 for truly exotic chizzler hunting. I could only see a few creatures far off in the hazy distance.

I put on the 'stock' of all stocks and got to within 300 yards of this old herd bull chizzler exotic.  I settled in on my bi-pod and ever so gently pressed the trigger. My scope picture was maxed out. The exotic was at the very bottom of my verticle crosshair. I could just see his eyelashes at the very bottom of the sight picture.  When the rifle went off I didn't know if my shot was true. I continued my stock closer and closer assuming the animals had not bolted away.

When I got close enough for bare eyeball view I could see this old rascal laying down for the glow-in-the-dark dirt nap. What a stock, what a shot, what a beast!  My only trophy is this photo.  Just how could I explain to the armed guards about carrying out my mountable chizzler herd bull while hunting in restricted area 51?

I will never forget. The photo is my proof.

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