With no chance for success, you would not hunt. Without the prospect of failure hunting would have no merit. I don't hunt to kill, I kill because I hunt. Remember a moderate hit is lots more effective than a high powered miss. Best of luck.
These are the photos of the rifle after some 10 hours of work. I think the stock doesn't show how fine the wood is, but what the heck? This is the most beautiful piece of wood I have personally ever worked on.
I recently purchased a Remington 700 ADL rifle in .30-06 caliber. I guess it is about 25 years old. It has been used but not necessarily abused. I am in the process of re-doing the rifle. I will attach some photos of the "before" rifle now and add some "after" photos when I get it completely restored. Basically, the rifle needs the copper fouling taken out of the bore, the blueing touched up, the stock stripped and re-finished, the trigger turned down to 2 1/2 pounds from 8 pounds of pull, and a recoil pad installed for the .30-06 caliber kicker. I think the wood in the stock is exceptional. As I have sanded it down and exposed the fiddleback and grain I have been really impressed. I hope I can do the re-finished stock justice with my limited photographic skills.