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With no chance for success, you would not hunt. Without the prospect of failure hunting would have no merit. I don't hunt to kill, I kill because I hunt. Remember a moderate hit is lots more effective than a high powered miss. Best of luck.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It doesn't get much better than this !!!

Bounty Hunter 6 and I went to one of our favorite chizzler harvesting spots this morning in Iron County, Utah. It was a bit cold and somewhat windy but the chizzlers were out in force. The alfalfa on the farm was still in a semi-hibernation state so it was just 3/4" tall which means -- no cover for the chizzlers. Bounty Hunter 6 had a new Ruger KM77/17 .17HMR caliber rifle he was trying out for the first time. Crap-o-matic the little .17HMR really did a number on 100+ little varmints. He was shooting as fast as he could load clips. He had two nine round clips and the only pause in the shooting was to reload. I had my usual .22-250 heavy barrel and a .22 L.R. for the sappers. I think I ended the grazing future of maybe 60 critters or so. All-in-all we had an excellent hunt for about 3 hours. The farmer who owned the field was so pleased he drove out to where we were shooting to personally thank us. This was one of those days that will be remembered for a long time. Check out the photos.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I know March 3rd is a bit early to go to Beryl and hunt for Chizzlers. It has been over 75º in the neighborhood so I figured it was warm enough for the little critters to be out up there. Bounty Hunter 6 went up on a scouting mission yesterday with good sightings -- so today we went on safari. We arrived in a mild to less-than-mild hurricane wind but still set up the squirrel-o-matics and went to work saving agriculture. Oh it is so fun to blow up little varmints with .22-250 rifle rounds at distance. I, of course, also had my .22 L.R. also ready for action incase of "sappers" and there were a few "sappers" that needed a 40 gr. h.p. round in the worst way. {I wonder if they get 40 virgin chizzlers in the bossom of alfalfa?} I look forward to a long and fulfilling spring season helping American agriculture. I'll keep the photos coming as I can.